1. Make sure you have made a copy of your altered skirt pattern front and back.
Don't worry too much about drawing the dart in on the front and back as you are going to get rid of the dart when you alter your skirt pattern. But, please keep the your skirt pattern handy as you will need the measurements of the dart. |
2. Go back to your CF Bodice Panel that you just altered and mark in a 1cm | 3/8" seam allowance.
6. Now measure from the side seam into the seam allowance mark.
6. Now transfer those measurements to your skirt waist line. Measure from the side seam in and make a mark.
9. Rule a line from the waist to the hem connecting the three marks. This will now be the panel line.
NOTE: Mark in your grainline to the Side Front Panel. |
10. Measure down the the waist at the CF 26.5cm | 10.5" and rule a line out to the side seam at a 90 degree angle.
11. Measure down from the waist at the panel line 8cm | 3" and mark. |
12. Draw in the dart lines making sure the lines are slightly cured so that it doesn't end in a point on the panel line.
NOTE: The red line at the hip will be notches in the next photo. Make sure you do the same on your pattern. |
13. Now cut on the panel line and cut away the darts.
Make sure the red notches are still in place at the dart point and the hip line. |