2. From all those lines you've drawn mark an amount that is the same as the previous line.
eg. Starting at A measure the amount that size 2 and 3 are apart from each other - I got 6mm | 1/4" so then you measure down 6mm | 1/4" and so one for B - F. If you are having problems with this come on over to the facebook group. Either I or someone else will be there to help. |
3. Connect these marks making sure that your ruled lines will look similar to the lines in the other sizes.
eg. make sure the lines are similar to the shoulder/neck point and shoulder/armhole point. |
2. Now measure in the same amount that the larger sizes are measuring at a point.
eg. if A measures 6mm | 1/4" grading up in sizes then you would mark the same measurement for grading down a size. |
3. Connect all the marks making sure your new lines look similar to the other lines at a particular point.
2. Now measure in the same amount that the larger sizes are measuring at a particular point.
eg. if A measures 6mm | 1/4" grading up in sizes then you would mark the same measurement for grading down a size. |
3. Now connect the marks making sure the new line you are drawing for Size 1 is the similar to all the other graded lines.